The Lottery of Life

         Out of the 84 lakh species in the world , We are fortunate enough to take birth as a human being,a species which can think , act , behave with superior power than all other species in this world and still we think we aren’t as lucky as some one else is. As Life is unpredictable and we never know when will the life end, we should be glad to wakeup alive every morning and realise that we are credited with 24 hours of time for that day in our life which is the most precious and intangible commodity every species & the 7 billion people across the globe will have in common. The question here is , “what we can make out of life with the available 24 hours is what makes all the difference . The Lottery of Life is won by each and every person who is waking up every day morning and blessed with one more day to Live life.Rather than repenting on the things that are not there in your life , Be Grateful for being alive and make  most out of the Lottery of Life that is won by each and every one of us who is Alive.

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