As the World is going through a pandemic and Countries are imposing lockdowns to save their people from the Pandemic. I would like to tell you all a real life story of a Great Human Being Mr.Nelson Mandela and in his fight  for the Betterment of the people of South African Nation he was jailed for 27 years in isolation in Darkness without Family, Friends, Ac, TV, Internet, Social Media , Books , Delicious Cuisines, Proper place to walk around and Bed to sleep where the only sound he will be able to hear is that of the Gushing Waves as the Prison is in the Middle of the Sea on an Island where he penned his Book “Long Walk to Freedom”. A 6Ft man was jailed in a 5ft Cell where he can’t even sleep properly resting his full body on the floor. No one to talk. His persistence of pursuing his Goal for the betterment of his people kept him going not for days , Weeks or Months… It is for 27 years he spent in isolation with his Will Power and Patience Waiting for a New Dawn to rise tearing up the Walls of Darkness. And came out Victorious. Here we have another creed of people who pay no Heed to the  Government’s Valuing People Life and are asking each and Every one of us to stay In our  Home by announcing a Nation Wide lockdown to Contain a Pandemic called Corona By Keeping Our Lives first before the Economic Devastation that this Lockdown is Causing. Many of Us are still not bothered about it and Behaving Irresponsibly . When You Can’t even stay at Home during the Lockdown to save Yourself and Save the Lives of Your Family Members what else You can Do…? While the Health Care Workers, Police, Sanitation Workers, Govt Officials and People working in essential services are Risking their Lives and their Family’s Life by Being on roads to ensure You Stay In your Home without any Problem but still Few wanna Roam Outside. Imagine what value your silly Excuses  and Cravings will sum upto in comparison to the value of Your Life . You Can do Anything and Everything Only and Only If you are Alive❤️. Nothing is bigger than Your Life. Take Mr.Nelson Mandela as an Inspiration to spend your Lockdown days at the Luxury of Your Home and Support the Nation in this Fight against Corona #StayHome#StaySafe#BeSafe&BeaSaviour# IndiaFightsCorona#ThisTooShallPass#GoodDaysAhead#PhirMuskurayegaIndia#

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